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Maximise your success by advertising your properties to a world of international buyers. Generate enquiries that result in sales. Your listings can be live in as little as 1 hour.
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3 million buyers

Your properties viewed by up to 3 million international buyers a month.

70,000 enquiries

Over 70,000 quality enquiries delivered to agents like you each month.

13 languages

Market your properties in 13 languages.

1 hour to go live

Listings live in as little as 1 hour through our industry standard XML feed.

More traffic from international buyers

Why Kyero?

  • Kyero is the Prime portal for leads from international buyers.
  • International multilingual sales team; who know the market and speak your language.
  • Established in 2003, we’ve helped over 50,000 people find their sunshine with confidence in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy.
  • Fast and easy set up with industry standard xml feeds. Your properties live within an hour and automatically updated daily.
  • Extensive guides and advice to remove buyer uncertainty. More informed buyers resulting in higher quality leads.
  • We’re in business to do good and are a certified B Corp.
  • Translation for buyers across 13 different languages.

Get access to our international buyer audience

Visits from international buyers to Kyero over a 12 month period.

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Increase exposure of your listings

  • Millions of international buyers viewing your properties
  • Our multiple email, media, & PR campaigns are seen by hundreds of thousands of buyers each month
  • Prime listings appear at the top of search results
  • Opportunity to reach additional buyers through Kyero Social Media channels
  • Regular features of Kyero properties in national publications

What our Prime agents say

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The relationship I have established with the Kyero team has been exceptional, always willing to help and provide top quality support to ensure my needs are met.

Janela Grande - Imobiliária logo

Pedro Subtil

Janela Grande - Imobiliária

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Kyero is already part of our Top 3 international sites with the leads from Prime and having closed 5 deals this year! 96% of leads are from abroad, mainly from the US, UK and Germany.

Infante & Riu logo

Adelaide Durão

Infante & Riu

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Kyero is an International portal we will continue to invest more in. We are winning with Kyero. The performance outweighs the cost.

IAD Portugal logo

Justina Tarvainyte

IAD Portugal

Get started with Kyero Prime today

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Trusted by 1000s of agents

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  • JLL - Jones Lang LaSalle logo
  • IMOJOY logo
  • ERA logo
  • Coldwell Banker logo
  • Infante & Riu logo

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