Logic vs emotion – how to use them both to make a sale

Kyero team member

An international property purchase is not a straightforward decision. It is one that will likely be made over several weeks or months. Making such a big decision will be partly based on how the buyer feels about a property and partly on how it stacks up against a checklist of things they are looking for.

We all rely on a combination of emotion and logic to make decisions. Find out how to use this to your advantage, helping you to guide prospective buyers gently towards a positive purchase decision.

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The science: right, left, and right again

Our brains are split into two halves: the left-brain and the right-brain. Each side controls different types of thinking. The right-brain is driven by emotion, and the left-brain by logic. We use both sides of our brain to process information.

While many of us like to think we make decisions based on logic and fact, the opposite is often true. Many buyers will act on the right-hand, or emotional, side of their brain for their initial decision, and then later rationalise it using the left-hand, or logical, side. Finally they will seek to ‘feel good’ about the decision they’ve just made (back to the right-brain).

So how can this help you?

By applying this theory to the property buying process, you will be able to provide the right level of empathy and information to your client at every stage of their buying journey.

Tip #1: Use emotion to hook people’s interest

Think back to a time when you showed someone around a property and their immediate reaction was, “I can see myself living here!” This is an emotional reaction, direct from the right-hand side of the brain. Because it is a subconscious reaction it is the perfect way to get past someone’s reticence about being sold to. And it’s a powerful attention grabber.

One way to encourage this emotional response is through the use of beautiful images on your listing How to take photos that will boost your enquiries. When browsing the portal, people are instantly drawn to pictures that capture the life they are looking for. Choose aspirational photos showing sunny outside spaces, a view of the sea, or a light, airy breakfast room with doors swinging open onto a veranda.

Grab your buyer’s attention by using the words on your listing to talk about the wonderful outdoor experiences they can give their children, or the laidback way of life they can expect if they retire to your local area. Think about what your potential buyer will be looking for in a property. See How to sell to absolutely anyone for ideas.

Tip #2: Provide facts to help with the research stage

Once a buyer is emotionally invested in a property they will then turn to the logical, or left, part of their brain to help prove that the decision is the correct one. At this point they will want pure hard facts.

How much? How big? Are there enough bedrooms? Is it close enough to the beach? What is the local school like? All the time they will be looking to back up that emotional reaction with logic.

Trying to use emotion during this stage will be off-putting. Your buyer is looking for you to be honest and help them establish the facts. Make sure the information they need is available either through your listings on the portal, or via telephone or email enquiries.

Tip #3: Validate the buyer’s decision

Once the buyer has made a decision on a property, they may feel relieved that the search is over, or excited for this next chapter of their life to begin. Validate the choice they have made, appeal to their emotional responses again, and help them to become absolutely confident that they are doing the right thing.

If you’ve got to know the buyer throughout their journey, now is the time to revisit their reasons for wanting to make an international move in the first place, and remind them of just how close they are to their dream.

Provide great customer service and do everything you can to show that you are trustworthy and want to help your buyer make the right decision. After all, if the buyer warms to you and feels that you are on their side, you will be one step closer to closing that sale.

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